
Pay-Per-View Subscription Online!

Follow these instructions before filling up the form below.

  1. Turn on the TV/s and Digibox(es) where you want to watch the pay-per-view
  2. Be ready with your account information which can be found on your Statement of Account.
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

To proceed with the subscription, please complete the form below:

Your account number is provided on your Statement of Account.
Enter a valid e-mail address where an email will be sent to verify your order.
Type the text you see on the left and the right of the Captcha box.


This is an advanced purchase.

Please be advised that the movie will start on May 28, 10AM and end after 48 hours.

You will receive a PIN code after submitting the form. Choose the boxe(s) where you want to watch the Pay-Per-View event.

To check which box corresponds to your preferred TV, please check the message that appeared with yur PIN code.

You will be billed depending on the number of the boxes activated. Pay-Per-View subscription is Php 250 per box.

Where to watch:

  • HD 257 | SD 157 - Metro Manila, CAMANAVA, Rizal, Cavite, Laguna and Bulacan (San Jose del Monte)
  • HD 957 | SD 57 - Baguio, Iloilo, Bacolod, Cebu, Davao, GenSan and Dumaguete

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